Matt Sexton

Coral reef hobbyist for 16 years!

Starting with a 12 Gallon Nanocube in my college dorm room back in 2006, to present day with my pride-and-joy 90 gallon display, It’s been quite a journey.  As this path played out, a dream grew to own and operate a Marine Aquarium Shop focusing on corals.  This represents my first step in making that dream a reality!  I’ve been in customer service all my life and am happy to devote myself to my customers in ensuring they’re satisfied, happy, and doing my part to provide a happier reef ecosystem for all.

First and foremost, this is my dream.  To make that dream a reality, we have to approach this as a business.  My goal is deliver high-quality corals at reasonable prices.  We aim to make a significant, positive impact on the environment.

I strive to be professional in all I do and will act accordingly in the first correspondence to the last.  Please let me know if there’s anything I can do to make your experience better!


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